Saturday, March 13, 2010

CRASHED: Bike Aight!!???

Dropped by the Bike aight event thrown by our friendly people over at wheel love, the turn out was quite good, congrats to wheel love for throwing such a great event... heres some photos i manage to take :

The track stand contest

Shah Alam boy adwin took part in the comp


azgore's white horse

The champ mr falique won a pair of grand compe tires
Congrats to falique! woo hoo!

heres some sneaker check photos

white sk8 hi's on jeff, half cars on joni loco and some stabs in the back ground

some good stuff in this photo! zoo york blazers! green dragon and skate or die dunks
Infra redssssssss

vivid blue 90's, used to have these and aj 1's

Some of the bikes:
2 cinelli mash frames

had fun at the event, but could have always used more beers! LOL!


  1. thats pretty much our motto for life

    "could have always used more beers!"

    guess 10 cases don't go as far as you hope they will huh

  2. LOL! 10 crates go super fast bro... anyways great event man! congrats... and next time 20 crates!!!!!
