Monday, April 19, 2010

extracting the POISON!

well some how i figured that its better to have a different blog just for my for sale stuff and another blog just to talk bout stuff.... so check out updates will come in faster than you can blink!

so im gonna start moving em posts now...


this might be old news... but i changed my rear rim..... to a velocity B43.. just because the thickness matches the aerospokes better...

tell me what you think..

personally... i think these are sexxxyyyyy

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

in the mail!

heres some stuff that arrived at home while i was busy working in bali...

Stickers galore!!!!!


anyways, my brother helped me sell of some stuff... so heres an update... both oldschools are sold, so is the headporter bag, the nintendo dslite, and also the JP PUNCh!

hold on to your seats.. more stuff for sale will be up soon~!!

What are you rockin?

Was down in Bali for work hence the lack of updates..... anyways fucked up my 90 boots but it was well worth it... the view was just awesome

Bali was cool, wish i had tonnes of money... could go down there for a holiday... oh well